quote number two

Early in my writing career the advice I heard repeatedly was to write what I knew. But in writing romantic suspense I quickly realized I couldn’t write what I know—I mean I don’t know anything about having a psycho for a stepfather who kills my family—it’s more about writing what scares me.

Not just scares me, but absolutely terrifies me. I have to tap into that part of my mind that secretly still wonders if there are monsters under my bed, in my closet, and in the laundry room.

What? You don’t have monsters in your laundry room? Are you sure?

When I’m creating a story it’s as much about the villain as it is the hero and heroine for me. I need that villain to feel real to me and to readers. I need to tap into that part of my imagination that is just a little bit scary.

The same part of my imagination that convinces me that opening the closet door before I turn the light on is a bad idea.

The same part of my imagination that requires the shower curtain always be left open when the shower is not occupied.

This part of my imagination is not to be questioned, after all it has kept me safe from the boogie man all these many years.

To create that scary villain that gives my stories the edge of suspense that I crave, and I hope my readers crave, I have to open that closet door and let the bad guy out. I have to think of the scary thing that could happen, and then for a moment or two imagine that I am the bad buy. What is he thinking? What does he want? What will he do?

Writing what scares me, and hopefully what scares you a little, is what gives romantic suspense the edge, it’s what gives us all that adrenaline rush and pushes the hero and heroine far enough outside their comfort zone they fall into each other’s arms, beds, and hearts.

Hiding In Plain Sight Launches to Rave Reviews!

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